2016 Adventures

With plenty of time to kill here on ice planet Hoth, Lola and I have been making plans.   When we're not working on trying to keep apocalyptic diseases from destroying the world  in our pajamas...

Pandemic:  Legacy.  Everyone in the world died this game.  Sorry about that everyone.  Our bad.

...we have been busy inventing this summer's ridiculous adventures.  Looks like a lot more hiking this year. 

First up:  Thru hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail.  At only 165 miles around Lake Tahoe in the eastern Sierra Nevadas, this trail should be a relative breeze after the Colorado Trail's 486 miles.  We should be able to bang this one out in a leisurely 12 or 13 days.  Originally we wanted to hike the John Muir Trail out of Yosemite down to Mt. Whitney (210 miles), but it's looking like a big snow year over there and we would only be able to hike the first two weeks of July because of Lola's work schedule, so things might be a bit hairy that early in the season.  The Tahoe Rim Trail--now unofficially referred to in our house as the Tahoe Rim Job--should be relatively snow-free by early July and it certainly doesn't require the nightmarish planning logistics of the JMT, where re-supplying and permitting make a bear attack seem like a pleasant alternative.

As a warm up, we'll probably hike the Kenosha Pass to Leadville section of the the Colorado Trail, too.  Lola wants to hike the the whole trail over a couple of years' time, so we'll pick up where she left off last summer and take five days or so to hike 76 miles.

At some point in summer I'd like to string together some scenic Colorado roads and take a Moto/Camping/Fishing trip.  Maybe take four or five days, find a campground along a trout river, try to fool some fish for a day or two, then move on to another campground.  I haven't taken Frank Booth (the Yamaha) on a long trip yet and I think that might be fun.  I'm not comfortable yet at highway speeds so I need to get that under my belt.  I'll need to get some saddlebags but I could take my light weight camping gear from the hikes and pitch in pretty places.  I love waking up in the morning, having coffee and some breakfast, easing into my waders, then standing in the river all day like an idiot, maybe catching and releasing a couple of trout, sometimes keeping one near dinner time then cleaning it up and dredging it in cornmeal and pan frying it for a nice mountain appetizer.

If there's time Lola and I could bag a fourteener, which translates into hiking up a mountain that tops out above 14,000 feet.  We've never done that.  I think we are the only people who live in Colorado who haven't done that.

I'd also like to get back into racing the Laser a little bit on Cherry Creek Reservoir.

That should fill up summer 2016 pretty well.


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