Numbers Do Not Lie

Three months since my last post?! I am so sorry to both of you who have been reading this for making you wait so long for updates. The agony you must have endured is immeasurable and I am so so sorry. Well, in the three months since professing my love for the world's subway systems I got a new job--which, since it earns me money, I will definitely not be talking about here except to say it involves teaching the general public how to stop cooking like total jerks and introduce a bit of classical technique and finesse into their rut-based home cooking. Also, Spring decided to finally mosey on in and make the trails usable again. So, for the past six weeks I've been making myself hit up a local foothill trail once a week to at least get into a semblance of thru hiking shape. Before I go any further, how about a big round of applause for the Jeffco (Jefferson County) Park system. is unreal how many foothill parks they have with all types of int...