Gregory Pack

What the hell is wrong with me? Grown man, 44 years old, posting pictures of sandals and shoes and shit. Flip flops and string? Come on. Stop it. Ignoring that, Lola and I both received our backpacks yesterday. My little green and black Osprey--which she named Kermit tonight over veggie burgers, french fries, darts, and a tight six piece brass/double bass/banjo/percussion/piano band at the Bull and Bush Pub in Glendale--was delivered to me by the UPS man in the morning. After that we put the top down on Roscoe and took the thru-city route to REI, deciding that this was the day the she would pick her pack after a few weeks of trying various models on. Backpacks can seem great on paper and on the internet and get great reviews for comfort but if they don't fit well on you then they might as well be made of porcupine quills and battering rams. Step one: It feels good in the store or it doesn't feel good in the store. The store ...