Daily Distance Plan

Here is my first attempt at laying out a schedule for my Colorado Trail thru hike. From what I hear, the best plan is to make a good plan and then when you take your first step on the trail throw the plan out. That sounds cute and all but it's probably a better idea to have at least a vague schedule so I can know how much food to make/buy, when to have resupply boxes arrive at various mountain towns and when and where I can meet various people who have expressed a passing interest in hiking a section or two with me. I worked out a pretty conservative schedule that takes 39 days, which seems a little long to me, but I can always speed up and walk more if I need to. I have included four "zero" days (days spent in town when no trail miles are hiked). Not including the zero days, average miles hiked per day comes out to 13.85 miles per day. I'm hoping after the first week has passed and my body has come to terms with the fact that it is going to be forced to...